People talk about Facebook, Apple and other technology companies founders that they have changed the world.

But I don’t think so.

Billion in change is making a real impact on the world by the elimination of world poverty, this is a big example of how entrepreneurship changing the world.

Billions in Change led by an Indian American businessman Manoj Bhargava, the founder of 5-Hour Energy. The company’s goals are to develop financing and technologies that could aid in the elimination of world poverty.

Manoj Bhargava’s Billions in Change movement is building a better future by creating and implementing solutions to serious problems facing the world in the areas of water, energy and health.

Innovations developed by Billion in change -

Free Electric hybrid bike — It is described as “small, light, and simple,” and said to be able to supply a rural household’s electricity needs for 24 hours with a single hour of pedalling. One bike could be bought with pooled funds, and then additional batteries for individual homes could be charged and then swapped out as needed. He distributed some 10,000 of these Free Electric bikes in Indian rural areas.

Free Electric Bike

Rain Maker — The Rain Maker can convert 1,000 gallons of any kind of water into drinkable water in one hour. The size of a car, The Rain Maker recycles its heat energy, making the water purifier clean and efficient.

Especially during droughts, people without access to fresh water can convert salt water and store it for later use. Bhargava said his creation is being tested at a desalination research facility in New Mexico.

HANS POWERPACK — It was created for households without electricity to easily generate and store power for basic uses, such as lights, fans, and mobile devices for 24 hours in single charge. The HANS PowerPack can be recharged for free using the HANS Free Electric bike.

HANS PowerPack comes with a 12-year warranty for just Rs 10k.

Billions in Change is not a plea for money, but a call to action.

If you have wealth, it’s a duty to help those who don’t. Make a difference in people’s lives, don’t just talk about it,” said Bhargava

Learn more about me and my work by visiting my profile here.



Rajnish Prajapat

4x Entrepreneur | Founded two startups in college | Building PockTrip